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How coaches can work better with sports parents and create an extraordinary team culture - JP Nerbun


Let's face it. Parents get a bad reputation out there in the softball world...and I believe it's only because of a handful of parents who make the experience tough for everyone around them.

Maybe they're playing "through" their athlete and hoping so bad they don't make the same mistakes they did. Maybe the parent wants it more than their athlete and it's frustrating when they think their daughter is being "lazy". Maybe they're hard to communicate with because they carry their bad day at work with them. 

As a coach, it's tough to do your job when you feel as if every decision you make is going to get judged or criticized, but I wanted to share this with you today to give you encouragement to work on building a culture that doesn't tolerate gossip, but instead believes in the system and has an ecosystem around it that wants to support it. 


Coaches, sometimes the best way to be SEEN as a human and not just a dictator of a team is to show you're human..and the...

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