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How athletes can stay fit, active and healthy from home

You probably don't know this about me, but in college I studied Health and Human Sciences with a Concentration in Sports Performance MEANING I worked on the strength and conditioning aspect of sports. 

During my two internships working with Women's Basketball and Volleyball, I really spent most of my time picking brains of the professionals around me.'re probably not surprised, but, I wanted advice from THE BIG DOG.

The Director of Sports Performance at Purdue at the time was Duane Carlisle. He had come from being the Head S&C Coach for the 49ers and worked with multiple NFL teams, so when it comes to big dogs...he was the cream of the crop. 

My naive but curious self would pop into his office a few times a week to check in, ask if he needed help with anything, because I knew he was someone I could learn SO MUCH from. 

We had some GREAT conversations.

I wanted to be the best athlete I could be, so of course, I wanted to learn from the best...

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