Not too long ago, I got to do a live hitting academy with one of my VERY good friends, Chris Vasami and man, oh man did I learn A TON!
I love how much he challenges my thinking, pushes me to try new things and encourages me to take risks!
Here are some of the biggest takeaways I took from Monday:
1- In the batter's box, we need to trust. Trust that the work you've put in all week in practice and most especially on your own is about to pay off for you.
2 - Ask yourself after a poor at-bat "Did the pitcher beat me, or did I beat myself?". A lot of times it's the second...and that is totally IN YOUR CONTROL. Maybe you were thinking too much, or putting your energy into the pitcher. Either way, remember you will succeed when you put your focus on the damage YOU are about to put on the ball!
3 - "STRIKEOUTS LEAVE CLUES" You can learn so much from each and every strikeout, as long as you look at them as a learning opportunity! If you swung at bad pitches, you know you need have more discipline the next time. If you watched the best pitch of the at-bat go by, you need to be more aggressive your next at bat.
As hard as it might be to admit, that strikeout was NECESSARY for your next big hit to long as you're open to learning from it.
Man, do I love learning from other coaches in the game, and I hope this helps encourage you to KEEP LEARNING, too! The moment you realize you're never going to know EVERYTHING, but you always have the power to keep learning MORE, the world is your absolute oyster!